Updated 3 weeks ago
  • Closed
    .5 • Bike - Mountain bike, Hybrid, BMX
    Closed for the season. PLEASE KEEP OFF DIRT TRAILS so we can open them quickly when it gets warmer/drier.
  • Closed
    Small Jump Line
    .2 • Bike - BMX, Dirt Jumper, Mountain Bike
    Jumps closed for season. Will reopen in Spring of 25, not before May.
  • Closed
    Medium Jump Line
    .2 • Bike - BMX, Dirt Jumper, Mountain Bike
    Jumps closed for season. Will reopen in Spring of 25
  • Closed
    Large Jump Line
    .2 • Bike - Advanced BMX, Dirt Jumper
    Jumps closed for season. Will reopen in Spring of 25
  • Open
    Asphalt Pump Track
    .3 • Bike - BMX, Dirt Jumper, Mountain Bike
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bike Camp

This bike camp is for students who are already confident on bikes and will allow them to enhance their biking skills further. Students will learn new skills and techniques for a variety of trail types and bike maintenance. Students can bring their bikes but we will have 20-inch BMX bikes and helmets available.

*This is not a learn how to ride a bike camp. Training wheels will not be permitted.  

Session: August 5-16 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm, M-F
Age groups
  • -8-9 years old – 8 spots
  • -10-12 years old – 8 spots
  • -100% of slots will be in-person registration at Big Marsh Park’s Ford Calumet Environmental Center on April 20 starting at 9:00 AM.

Pump Track mini clinic

This clinic is designed to help give people the basic skills necessary to successfully ride a pump track. The class will cover the essentials of pumping which is compressing and using your body’s mass to generate momentum and speed on the track. This course will also help riders with cornering and navigating the rollers and jumps through various drills and instruction ending with a guided session where riders receive live feedback and are encouraged to ask questions. The goal is to ride faster with less effort and with more control each time.

Pump track clinic dates
  • -April 13 and April 27
  • -May 11 and May 18
  • -June 8 and June 15
  • -July 6 and July 13
  • -August 3 and August 10
  • -October 12 and October 19