Updated 3 weeks ago
  • Closed
    .5 • Bike - Mountain bike, Hybrid, BMX
    Closed for the season. PLEASE KEEP OFF DIRT TRAILS so we can open them quickly when it gets warmer/drier.
  • Closed
    Small Jump Line
    .2 • Bike - BMX, Dirt Jumper, Mountain Bike
    Jumps closed for season. Will reopen in Spring of 25, not before May.
  • Closed
    Medium Jump Line
    .2 • Bike - BMX, Dirt Jumper, Mountain Bike
    Jumps closed for season. Will reopen in Spring of 25
  • Closed
    Large Jump Line
    .2 • Bike - Advanced BMX, Dirt Jumper
    Jumps closed for season. Will reopen in Spring of 25
  • Open
    Asphalt Pump Track
    .3 • Bike - BMX, Dirt Jumper, Mountain Bike
Updated 3 weeks ago

your support will make magic on the southeast side

We want to take the Big Marsh experience to the next level and new heights…literally.

We are embarking on a mission to complete the original vision by expanding the ride experiences and developing new trails on the ‘Big Hill’.

Big Marsh’s Big Hill is large by Chicago standards and sits at 30’ feet tall on 5 acres of the core bike park. The Big Hill is packed with potential to provide a feature rich ride experience that is unparalleled in urban parks. This ambitious project will include 8 gravity-fed, progressive trails alongside pedestrian access. The project will total $1.5MM raised from grassroots supporters, corporate and foundational sponsorships, and major donors.

For this project to happen we need YOUR support. Learn more and donate below or at this link! These personal donations will go a long way in securing the major donor and corporate support which will be needed to complete this project and truly increase access to mountain biking and eco-recreation on Chicago’s South Side.

Building up a Community

Friends of Big Marsh works closely with community-based organizations in Pullman, Riverdale, South Deering, East Side, and Hegewisch to build opportunities for young people and safe cycling routes for all.

Providing new access to Restored Natural Space

Big Marsh Park is nearly 300 acres out of the 10,000 acres of natural space that the Chicago Park District owns on the Southeast Side. To “Friends…” these spaces represent an opportunity for a regional asset to be developed as a benefit for health and recreation.

Creating the best bike park
in chicago

Big Marsh Park is in the first phase of being the regional home for a huge variety of cycling disciplines. We want to create an inspiring space for BMX racers, mountain bikers, cyclocross fans, and cruisers who love to bird watch.

Supporting Economic

We strive to bring more resources to the Southeast Side. Through partnerships, purchasing, and apprenticeship, “Friends…” intends to build a destination that brings opportunities to the surrounding communities.